Irecon small business insurance
No matter how diligently you run your business, it will always be exposed to risks, from public liability to technology breakdown. But there are ways of making sure these interruptions don’t cost your business.
Irecon protects your business
Efficiency is vital to any business. But sometimes damage, loss or theft get in the way, disrupting your operations and preventing you from getting to your clients quickly. Our small Business insurance includes property, business interruption, theft, money, glass breakage, broadform liability, general property, machinery breakdown, electronic equipment, employee dishonesty, tax audit, transit, employment practices and statutory liability
At Irecon we realise each business is unique, so we offer comprehensive cover across all industries such including manufacturing, wholesale and retail clientele. So, whether you’re a small or medium-sized business, you have the freedom to choose from multi-cover packages that can be tailored to match your specific needs.
The following types of insurance are able to be purchased by you through Irecon. This list does not include all types of policies available in the various insurance markets and is only intended to be a brief summary of covers available:
Builders Warranty
Business Interruption
Contract Works
Domestic – Home, Contents, Personal Property
Electronic Equipment Breakdown
Employee Dishonesty
General Property
Home Business
Association Liability
Credit Insurance
Directors & Officers
Directors & Officers Legal Expenses
Employment Practices
Entertainment & Events
Internet Liability
Kidnap Ransom & Extortion
Legal Expenses
Management Liability
Professional Indemnity
Public & Products Liability
Statutory Liability
Tax Audit
Trustees Liability
Industrial Special Risks
Strata Plan
Corporate Travel
Personal Accident & Sickness
Workers Compensation
Goods In Transit – Import/Export
Goods In Transit – Inland
Marine hull /P&I (Commercial)
Marine P&I (Commercial)
Private Pleasure Craft
Caravan & Trailer
Commercial & Private Motor Vehicle

Irecon Insurance services Pty Ltd is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Insurance Advisernet Australia Pty Ltd (AFSL 240549)
Corporate Authorised Representative Number 355956

Irecon Insurance services Pty Ltd trading as Insurance in Infrastructure
Corportate Autohorised representative number 355956
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