Our Corporate Insurance Division is handled by our most senior and experienced consultants who are highly specialised in the planning, placement and management of complex insurance strategies.
Through risk profiling and gap analysis we can ensure that a thorough and detailed snap shot of your risk exposures are outlined.
A clear understanding of the risks to be transferred to insurers and those to be retained and managed is essential in planning a comprehensive insurance strategy.
Irecon is the preferred Insurance partner for various high profile businesses in Australia, many of whom are leaders within their own industry sector.
We have access to numerous local markets and several overseas providers via our wholesale markets to cater for more complex placement needs.
Our services are utilised by the following industries:
- Public Listed Companies
- Large Private Companies
- High Risk Industries
- National Businesses

Irecon Insurance services Pty Ltd is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Insurance Advisernet Australia Pty Ltd (AFSL 240549)
Corporate Authorised Representative Number 355956

Irecon Insurance services Pty Ltd trading as Insurance in Infrastructure
Corportate Autohorised representative number 355956
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